YEAR 2023
Videos and dissemination initiatives promoted by the University of Eastern Piedmont's PhD in Chemistry and Biology at DiSIT Alexandria ( can be viewed on the UPO PhD in Chemistry and Biology YouTube channel.
Chemistry Teaching: Didactic Methods
Prof. Elisabetta Gabano
Endoplasmic reticulum stress in different cell models
Prof. Elia Ranzato e Prof. Simona Martinotti
0.5 ECTS
Biochemistry of cancer
Prof. Valentina Audrito
Computational Methods in Inorganic Chemistry
Prof. Carlos Platas-Iglesias
0.5 ECTS
Photonic materials and photophysical methods for chemistry and biology
Prof. Flavia Artizzu
Applications of solid-state NMR to materials
Prof. Geo Paul
Impact of environmental changes in light and sulfur availability on marine microalgae growth and photosynthesis
Prof. Caterina Gerotto
0.125 ECTS
Thylakoid membranes: from structure and function to environmental biosensor applications
Prof. Cristina Pagliano
0.125 ECTS
Use of experimental design techniques for process/product optimization and for the development of analytical methods
Prof. Elisa Robotti
Nanostructured materials for the decontamination of toxic chemical agents
Prof. Chiara Bisio
0.5 ECTS
TECHNICAL SEMINARS - Green hydrogen: possible future of the energy transition
Prof. Marcello Baricco
Prof. Leonardo Marchese
Eng. Alberto Tancini
Dr. Patrizia Maccone and Eng. Daniele Facchi
Dr. Alberto Ruffino
Dr. Fulvio Canonico
0.6 ECTS
Systematic analysis of similarities between tumor progression and embryonic development and its clinical application by artificial intelligence
Dr. Enrico Moiso
0.1 CFU
The profession of biology: reality (current) and prospects (future)
Dr. Fiorenzo Pastoni
0.1 CFU